There are so many Real Estate topics to write about that a blog can be a full time job!! With the information technology that exists whether you are a Realtor, a Buyer, a Seller or an Investor, there are literally thousands of articles, blogs, comments or sources one can turn too to educate or confuse (LOL) you more!!!
Real Estate is definitely changing and in my opinion, becoming more and more accountable. Buyers are not just buying “what they like” they are using more “scientific” methods to determine which property to purchase.
Case in point, we have been working with a Buyer over the last few weeks who came to Florida with his wife on a “property buying trip”. We spent two days appealing to their “senses” and showed them a variety of oceanfront condos from Bal Harbour across Sunny Isles Beach and up to Hallandale Beach. During this time all their decisions and comments were based on what they saw and what appealed to their physical senses. We needed this process to occur as it helps us determine where they want to live. At the end of this search, we finally settled on one particular building that answered their needs vis a vie to location & amenities. Now we reached the point of selecting a unit to make an offer on.
In the past at this point of beginning the process of making an offer, is when I am used to hearing all about the various aspects of one particular unit that wins over another unit. It could be the choice of flooring, a custom closet, particular lighting etc etc etc. Again, it is a continuation of the process of using their "senses" to purchase. However, in this situation and we are finding the same with a lot of the Buyers we are working with, this is not the case.
It has come down to Price per Square Foot or (PSF). The Price per Square Foot is calculated by taking the asking price and dividing it by the interior (under air) square footage of a property. For example if a property is asking $1,000,000 and is 2,000 sf under air (balconies or garages do not count in this equation), the PSF is $500/ft. I want to add two caveats here. The first is when one is getting ready to buy Real Estate you should look at not only the asking price/foot but also the closed sales prices/ft. Many times this number can be vastly different. The second point that I want to make is regarding quality and finishes. You will pay more PSF for a finished condo on the Ocean then a “Decorator Ready” unit (one that needs flooring, paint etc) and this should be factored in to your PSF. Always make sure you are comparing “like” properties in your analysis.
You should be aware of this especially if you are purchasing a property including financing. An appraiser only uses comparables of sold properties. So even if a property looks like “a great deal” and is priced much lower than competitive ones, check and ask what the sold comparables are and then judge if you have found that “great deal”. The properties that are moving and selling in this market are the ones that have priced themselves correctly against recent closed sales.
Foreclosure properties – those owned by the bank are mostly always priced below the last closed sale comparable. If you are interested in receiving a weekly list (for free) of all luxury foreclosures please subscribe here http://www.southfloridaluxuryforeclosures.com/
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