Info above is based on 33160,33180,33154 zip codes (Sunny Isles Beach, Aventura, Bal Harbour & Bay Harbour) May 2009 info.
South Florida Market Stats:
Are we at the bottom of the market? Who defines the bottom of the market?
Is it defined as when the sales prices are move up?
Is it defined as when there are more closed property sales month on month and year on year?
Is it defined as when the inventory has shrunk?
There are probably a dozen definitions for the “bottom of the market.” The bottom line is that there are great opportunities out there. A few days The Florida Association of Realtors compiled their monthly analysis on home and condo sales and the results were very positive. For the ninth month in a row, condo and single family home sales were up!!! Is this is a sign of recovery? Perhaps.
The full article goes on to explain how month on month we are up 16% on sales. Click to read more about South Florida Home Sales and Market Stats
Are we at the bottom of the market? Who defines the bottom of the market?
Is it defined as when the sales prices are move up?
Is it defined as when there are more closed property sales month on month and year on year?
Is it defined as when the inventory has shrunk?
There are probably a dozen definitions for the “bottom of the market.” The bottom line is that there are great opportunities out there. A few days The Florida Association of Realtors compiled their monthly analysis on home and condo sales and the results were very positive. For the ninth month in a row, condo and single family home sales were up!!! Is this is a sign of recovery? Perhaps.
The full article goes on to explain how month on month we are up 16% on sales. Click to read more about South Florida Home Sales and Market Stats
Locally our numbers are holding though May seemed a better closed sale month than June (except in Bal Harbour/Bay Harbor Islands which increased), the number of pending sales in June 2009 are still holding strong.:
Aventura, Florida
No of Condo Properties Sold in June 2009: 68
No of Condo Properties Sold in May 2009: 98Aventura, Florida
No of Condo Properties Sold in June 2009: 68
No of Condo Properties Pending Sale June 2009: 94
No of Condo Properties Pending Sale May 2009: 60
Sunny Isles Beach, Florida:
No of Condo Properties Sold in June 2009: 32
Sunny Isles Beach, Florida:
No of Condo Properties Sold in June 2009: 32
No of Condo Properties Sold in May 2009: 41
No of Condo Properties Pending Sale June 2009: 55
No of Condo Properties Pending Sale May 2009: 55
Bal Harbour/Bay Harbour, Florida
No of Condo Properties Sold in June 2009: 12
No of Condo Properties Pending Sale June 2009: 55
No of Condo Properties Pending Sale May 2009: 55
Bal Harbour/Bay Harbour, Florida
No of Condo Properties Sold in June 2009: 12
No of Condo Properties Sold in May 2009: 10
No of Condo Properties Pending Sale June 2009: 8
No of Condo Properties Pending Sale June 2009: 8
No of Condo Properties Pending Sale May 2009: 10
Interesting to note, in Miami Dade County total inventory of property available is down 26%.
Interesting to note, in Miami Dade County total inventory of property available is down 26%.
If you are interested in a particular condo building stats or other area stats sent us an email to info@golanteam.com and we will send you the requested information.